The Sound Ministry is so much more than turning knobs, pushing buttons, or mixing instrument levels. It is truly a call to create an atmosphere for God to stir, to move, and ultimately to change the hearts of His children. Often the first to arrive and the last to leave, the sound team at Full Gospel Center reflects the passion our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has for His people. As our mission statement boldly declares, we will continually strive to "Elevate Worship", a burning desire which motivates our steadfast team. So come join us as we gather in His presence and bring glory to His name.
Lighting Ministry
The FGC stage lighting ministry utilizes various light intensities and color to enhance the atmosphere of Praise & Worship. Stage Lighting operators are trained to keep with the flow of the Praise & Worship Service with approximately 100 types of stage lights including but not limited to conventional PAR to robotic intelligent moving lights. The stage lighting ministry also supports youth ministries & special productions. We are constantly recruiting volunteers for this ministry.
For more information contact Gary Leonardi at
Multimedia Ministry
The MultiMedia Ministry is dedicated to the enhancement of worship as well as assisting FGC ministries in fulfilling their roles in supporting our church mission: Elevating Worship, Strengthening Families, and Reaching the Lost.
By utilizing available technology we enhance the communication of messages both in the church and externally. While communicating to congregational members is important, the ultimate goal is to share the Gospel of God’s Love to the Hudson Valley and beyond.
Components of MultiMedia Ministry include computer-assisted mediums for worship, announcements, teachings, web-based communications, and internet-based mediums including videos, music, etc.
MultiMedia Ministry partners with the ministries of Sound and Lighting to create a cohesive worship and teaching experience, reinforcing the mission of Full Gospel Center.
We welcome anyone interested in ministering through this medium. Volunteers include those with graphic arts, computer, visual arts, and a heart’s desire to serve the Lord and fulfill the mission of Full Gospel Center. Training is provided and monthly meetings are held to touch base, problem-solve, instruct, pray, and build the collection of artwork and graphics we have as resources.
For more information contact Linda Ritch at