
  • February FOOD DONATIONS - For the month of February, we are asking for donations of crackers, chips and cookies. Thank you for your continued support!
  • CHILDREN'S MINISTRY - is looking for help on the 5th Sunday of the month during the months that have 5 Sundays during 10:45 Nursery and Veggie Patch. Also on Wednesday evenings a teacher and assistant for the LOFT (kindergarten - 5th grade) and help in the Nursery Wednesday evening. Teacher and helper needed for Sunday LOFT 10:45 am service. Sign up at the Information Desk.
  • WINTER COAT DONATIONS - We are still in need of winter coats for our clients. Please leave them in the Resource Room (near the Cafe). Thank you and God bless you!
  • CAM HOT CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER - Let your creativity show at our annual Creative Arts Ministry (CAM) Hot Chocolate Fundraiser after BOTH services on Sunday, February 16th. Hot cocoa and many fixings will be available for a donation.
  • YOU ARE LOVED BANQUET AT THE HOVING HOME - We will be holding the YOU Are Loved Banquet at the Hoving Home on Friday, February 21st at 5:00 pm. If you are interested in signing up to sponsor a lady the cost is $10. We are also looking for volunteers to set up, serve and clean up the day of the event. See the table in the foyer or call/text Jen Windels at 845-238-4098.
  • MEN'S MORNING PRAYER  - is Saturday, Febryary 15th at 8:00
  • YOUTH GAME NIGHT - is Friday, February 21st from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. We'll have games, pizza and fun. The cost per person is $5. Sign up at the Information Desk.
  • CROSSROADS SINGLES- is having a Valentine's Dinner and night out on Saturday, February 15th at 7:00 pm at the Cafe Con Leche in Wappingers Falls. The cost is $30 and includes a full meal, beverages and desserts. Please sign up by February 12th.