DECEMBER FOOD DONATIONS - This month we are asking for donations of rice and macaroni and cheese. God bless you for supporting us.
CROSSROADS SINGLES CHRISTMAS PARTY - This year the Crossroads Singles Ministry is having a Pot Trust Christmas Party on Saturday, December 21st and 6:00 pm. We're asking for a donation of $5 to cover the cost of plates, dishes and some treats and surprises! Please sign up in the foyer.
CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION "A CHRISTMAS CHANGE OF HEART" - Please pick up invitations for the play at the Information Desk to help spread the word. We are also in need of many helping hands for the Visitor's Reception that follows each performance as well as food item donations. Sign up at the Information Desk if you can help.
CREATIVE ARTS MINISTRY'S (CAM CONNECT) - Reminder that there will be an information meeting for anyone interested in volunteering to help with the Visitors' Reception following our Christmas Play performances. This meeting will be held TODAY after 2nd service in the Prayer Room. Please sign up at the Information Desk if you have any interest in helping with the reception.
HOVING HOME BIBLES - The Hoving Home Choir is coming Wednesday, December 18th to entertain and share testimonies. All the Bibles are spoken for. If you signed up and haven't yet paid the $40 - please do so ASAP.
CORPORATE PRAYER - will NOT meet on Friday, December 20th due to the Christmas Production.
WINTER COAT DONATIONS - The Food Pantry is requesting new or gently used winter coats, hats and mittens to be donated to our clients. Thank you for y our help.
MEN'S MORNING PRAYER - will be meeting on Saturday, December 21st at 8:00 am. Men - come join us!
FGC MEN'S GROUP - meets every 1st and 3rd Monday evening of the month at 7:00 pm. Our next meeting is December 16th.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY - for more information, see the display in the foyer after service.
LOST N' FOUND - check the table in the foyer for items you or your children left here at the Church.
JIFANGA MISSION - If you made a commitment to support Brother Charles in the Gambia - PLEASE keep that commitment.