One Accord is a ministry where couples come together to be encouraged and strengthened.
Marriage is the beginning of how God showed His love for us.... He made us in His own image... He wanted us to see how important we are to Him... He gave us life to fulfill, produce fruit, and multiply.
God instituted marriage and the enemy has been at war to destroy the foundation of what God has created. We are the church. We need to have strong families and reflect the love of God through our unions and lives. We are to be purposeful and work on having strong families.
Our passion is to see God work in your marriage miraculously! Healing, restoring, and refreshing your love for one another the way Christ intends it to be. A safe place where we share His Word, stories, fellowship, and have fun together. With so much pressure in the cycle of life, we need a place to find peace. A place where we can share all walks of life, both young and old experiences to encourage each other. So whether you are in desperate need of help or you might have relationship enrichment advice for others, this is the place for you.
We welcome you to see what God is doing - Join us every 2nd Friday of the month at 7pm.